August 2017 (Part 2) - Revision

This solar eclipse is all about a new beginning, in which we follow our true hearts & open a new door. You're probably hearing and reading all kinds of fun facts about it, but what you don't always hear is what will happen after.

So, here it is - the "clean up" after the "explosion"!

TUESDAY, AUGUST 22 - Sun enters Virgo

Within 24 hours of being eclipsed, the sun follows the moon into Virgo, and we enter a period of rest before the harvest. Virgo pays close attention to detail and is a servant to Goodness on Earth. What do I mean by that? Well, Virgo is an earthly representation of spiritual prosperity - a glimpse of the unconditional love and compassion that created the Universe. Through Virgo, we look closer at how we can harvest a bounty and share it with others. It brings spiritual prosperity and growth to a physical, practical level - gently and lovingly.

What better way to begin a new journey? After the fiery, passionate burst of Leo energy, an immediate grounding occurs. We're inspired by our hearts and souls, but action comes when we revise and solidify plans - turn them into something applicable to the world we live in. This can be anything from money to exercise or living space. By working on our spirits, we enhance our minds and bodies - opening new doors for all kinds of earthly opportunities.

Leo tells us anything is possible. Virgo helps us narrow down the "anything", and gives us a chance to really focus in on our dreams and projects.

Furthermore, while the sun's in Virgo, it will conjunct retrograding Mercury, which will really get us thinking about how we communicate and share our truth. Our sense of integrity might be questioned or revised, but there will definitely be an overarching sense of capacity for improvement. We are all capable of improving not only our egos, but the world we live in and how we perceive it.

FRIDAY, AUGUST 25 - Saturn goes Direct in Sagittarius

Saturn retrograde in Sagittarius was all about rethinking spiritual doctrine and being comfortable in the unknown. The collective has experienced all kinds of spiritual breakthroughs during this time - some painful, but ultimately liberating.

When Saturn goes direct, this is a sign that some of that new thinking is being recreated. Boundaries have been bombarded - broken - and now, it's time to make new outlines for our spiritual and religious lives. Perhaps the lines are not as thick, black and white as we thought them to be.

This is a great step for anyone beginning a new path, as it gives us a chance to start anew in a specific area of our lives - our faith, and our connection to Divinity.

SATURDAY, AUGUST 26 - Venus enters Leo

This is a delightful planetary movement, as it plays off our hearts' desires. Even though the sun moves into Virgo, this Leo energy is sticking around, showing off all its good parts and values - romance, playfulness, deep joy, passion, creativity, protection, leadership, and love. Venus takes all of this and sings - loud and proud - setting an overall sweet mood for your new path.

Walk with your head high. This is a reminder that you deserve to feel good.

THURSDAY, AUGUST 31 - Mercury enters Leo (Retrograde)

A couple days before going direct in September, Mercury briefly enters Leo, gently reminding us that we can do and speak true love. True love doesn't come from the mind or body, Leo says, it comes from your beating, roaring heart. This energy will feel deeply creative and expansive, like the eclipse, but on a much more personalized - and focused - level. We'll be able to speak from a place of True Love and understanding - not some garbled, egoic version of love our minds have tricked us into feeling.

As you can see, it all looks up from here!

Thank you for reading. I wish you lights of Love and pieces of Peace.


  1. Howdy Amelia, how´s things? I noticed your blog is from blogspot and i took the liberty of including its link on my webcomic blog. It´s here:
    The more readers the merrier right? :) Hope everything is alright up there! Cheers!

    1. I'm alright. Back to school so things are kind of chaotic right now! Thank you so much. I'm definitely going to check out your blog - it looks super cool :)


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